Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Description of picture 1

The Lost Kid

               One day while a policeman was walking in the neighbourhood, he found a lost kid named Alex. After that, the policeman asked him “Where is your home? I’ll take you back,” but the little boy started crying because he didn’t want to go back home. Then the policeman took him to the nearest restaurant. In the restaurant, all the furniture was white except the stools were green. Alex sat on the right stool with his red clothing package on a long stick under his seat, and the policeman sat next to him on the left side. Later, the policeman started talking to Alex about why he ran away, so the boy said that his mother had a new baby girl. Because of that, she didn’t gave him a darn, and he felt that his mama didn’t like him anymore. In this moment, the waiter in front of them, with white shirt and a cigarette in his mouth, was listening to their conservation and smiling because the boy got him to look back on his childhood. Finally, the policeman said to Alex, like it or lump it, your mother must take care of your little sister because she couldn’t do anything for herself, but you are old enough to depend on yourself. In the end, Alex went back home with a big smile because now he is older.

A Successful IECP Student

         Consider these four steps to being a successful IECP student. First, prepare lessons before classes by reading the title of the new unit or chapter. Then you have to activate your prior knowledge. After that, just read without stopping or marking. Second, during the class, concentrate on the teacher; also, you have to take important notes. Also, when you misunderstand something, ask your teacher to repeat or explain it to you. In addition, work in groups if possible, so you can discuss and learn with classmates. Third, after the classes, you should review the lessons, do your homework, and redo previous homework if there is a mistake. The last step you must get yourself in all-English environments. For instance, you can watch English programs and movies.You should also, read English stories, magazines, and newspapers and listen to the radio while you are driving. Also, you can go around with people who have English as their native language, so your brain begins to take in the new language. Finally, if you follow these four steps, you'll rock! And you’ll be a successful IECP student.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summary of ''Can Animals Think?"

            In the F41 article, "Can Animals Think?," Karen Blanchard states that some scientist presume that animals have an ability for thinking complexly. First, a chimpanzee that is called Dandy can plan ahead for hide a fruit and eat it alone later. Second, in Japan there is a heron that approves that she can think, by creates a tool to catch a fish. Third, a parrot that is called Alex shows that he can explain his feelings in organize words. Forth, scientist see that octopus in Italy can do what other octopus do by watching. Finally, Timmy the gorilla can represent his love felling by crying, when his family are taken away. In conclusion, these stories make scientist hypothesize that animals can think.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summary of EU OKs Mobile Phones on Planes

          In this article "EU OKs Mobile Phones on Plane," from Breaking News English, Sean Banville states that European Union permits air plane passengers for use their mobile phones over Europe skies only. In addition, this permits comes under several rules. First, there are  passengers' safety rules such as the rule of switch off the service on takeoff and landing. Second, there are a flight etiquette rules for passengers' comfort and peace, as passengers must put their phones on silent. Finally, Vivian Redind, the EU telecoms commissioner, caution the airlines if the mid-air service cost consumers a lot, it won't become popular. In conclusion, the EU become the leader in using mobile phones under several rules during airplane travel.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Music Groups' Fashion

     Music groups wear different types of clothing for various reasons. Some of these styles are punk, hip-hop, and grunge fashion. Each one has its own hair cut, specific jewelry, special clothes, and typical music. First of all, the punk fashion looks a little bit strange. They have theatrical makeup. Also, they spiked their hair, and they wear body piercings. In addition, they wear ripped clothing and safety pin jewely, because they would like to appear strong, more fashionable, cool, and the spiked hair makes them look crazy. For example, there is a group called RANCID. In brief, the punk fashion seems crazy and strange. Secondly, people who wear hip-hop fashion always need a hooded sweater and a baggy jeans to show that they are poor. Also, they wear big floppy hats, or they cover their heads with do-rags (scarves). This kind of fashion tries to display their values. For example, the baggy jeans mean they don't want to be limited. For instance, there is a singer called Jay-Z. The hip-hop fashion exhibits individuality. At the end, people who wear the grunge fashion have long straight hair, heavy boots and baseball caps worn backward such as Pearl Jam. They would like to demonstrate laziness and freedom. To sum up, there are many styels of clothing for music groups to display their values.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ways to waste time

Nowadays, there are many ways to waste time. First, playing video games leads to a lot of lost time. For example, video games can lower your attention, cause impaired vision, increase one's nerves, and damage your back. Gambling is the second way to waste time; for example, an addicted person in gambling will lose his money, then his job, and his family. Third, a relationship with a negative friend will burn your dreams and change your behaviour. For instance, if you are always with a lazy friend, then you’ll be lazy too. In the end, sometimes guys spend more time riding a car without specific destination, just for fun. To sum up, people have different ways to waste their time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Budgerigar and The Watermelon

    Green melon plants filled up the field. It was a great joy that they were matured and ready for harvest. Each watermelon was thinking about her future. Would a thirsty traveler eat her? Or would she travel to another country? Or would young boys take her to their homes and eat her with their meals?
     All the bright green watermelons were laughing except the largest one with yellow and thick skin, and it was almost to full maturity.
     Then the young watermelons said to the mother melon, "No one gathered you last season?." She answered, "I'm like you. I was planted this season. But my seed is bigger and stronger, so I grew up faster than you. They planted me for another reason." After that, the young watermelons replied, "So..What is your story? And what's the reason they planted you?"
     The mother melon said, " My story is that I'll stay here in my place until I  explode, and my seeds go out of me. Then my friend, the budgerigar, will collect the seeds and transport them to another land; a land where is the watermelon is unknown. Later, I'll grow up, but I'll be happy because I  made a lot of people happy."
     Finally, the young watermelons were looking at each other and discussing , "Who will stay with her to be the next mother?."